The SIBS Laboratory normally sends invoices after all analyses are completed and the summary reports are sent to users. If you need to have invoices issued earlier, please contact us.
We accept payment by check, credit card, or University PO. All payments are due within 30 days of receipt of invoice. Please contact our ESSM Business Office ( for more information.
New customer registration is required for users who use the SIBS lab for the first time after January 2018. Once you are registered in our A&M AgriLife system, you do not need to do this anymore, and so please register a person who will be representative from your group or department.
It takes more than 2 weeks; it is recommended to register when you send us samples. When the set-up is completed, you will receive an email from, with your customer number. Please email us the customer number. We will need the number to issue an invoice.
For Texas A&M Users
Inform us if you are using 02 or 06 account to pay your invoice.
If 06, tell us the account number you are using,
If 02, ask your department if they have a “(AgriLife) customer number”. If they do, please sent the number to us. If no, please have them fill this online form.
- Account number: If you have multiple account numbers you will use to pay invoices, you have to register for each account number.
- Customer contact information: Your name or PI’s name
- Billing department information: Information of business office in your department
For non-Texas A&M Users
Please fill out the External Customer form Ag-257, sign, and send it to us back.
- A photo below shows areas you need to fill out in yellow.
- Check 06 Research.
- Customer information (left side): you or your PI (researcher’s name who send us samples)
- Accounts payable information: a person we can contact to about payment (probably your business office)
- Do not forget to sign.