Laboratory Director

(979) 845-3772
Specialization: Ecosystem ecology, Plant Physiological Ecology
Laboratory Staff
Current Students and Researchers
- Nicole Havrilchak ( PhD student [Dr. West]
- Veronica Zancho ( PhD student [Dr. West]
- Skylar Fitze-Vallier: Undergraduate Laboratory Assistant (November 2022 – present) Environmental Studies major
- Alyssa Chebetar: Undergraduate Laboratory Assistant (July 2023 – present) Ecology and Conservation Biology major
- Charisa Chairat: Undergraduate Laboratory Assistant (August 2023 – present) Chemical Engineering major
- Kaiya Haines: Undergraduate Laboratory Assistant (August 2023 – present) Environmental Studies major
- Lillian Hook: Undergraduate Laboratory Assistant (August 2023 – present) Ecology and Conservation Biology
- Shelby Boyd: ( Research Associate
- Dr. Rachel Adams (PhD 2020, Dr. West) Interactions between surface ecology and cave ecosystems
- Dr. Cynthia Wright (PhD 2019, Dr. West)
- Dr. Yong Zhou (PhD 2018, Dr. Boutton) Woody plant encroachment into grasslands: impacts on landscape-scale spatial patterns of soil C, N, and P storage and dynamics [Current position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Yale University]
- Dr. Ryan Mushinski (PhD 2017, Dr. Boutton) The long-term influence of intensive timber harvest on soil biogeochemistry and microbial ecology [Current position: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Illinois]
- Dr. Rachel Wellman (Rosenstein) (PhD, 2014, Dr. Boutton) Nitrogen transformations in response to elevated temperatures and altered rainfall regimes in oak savanna: A global change experiment. [Current position: AICE Environmental Management and Honors Biology, Boca Raton Community High School]
- Dr. Julie Foote (PhD, 2014, Dr. Boutton) Biogeochemistry of the western Gulf Coastal Plain as impacted by forest management. [Current position: Lecturer III at the University of Texas at San Antonio, Environmental Science Program]
- Dr. Ilsa Kantola (PhD, 2012, Dr. Boutton) Biogeochemistry of Woody Plant Invasion: Phosphorus Cycling and Microbial Community Composition. [Current position: Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign]
- Dr. Emily B Hollister (PhD, 2008, Dr. Boutton) Relationships between structure and function in savanna ecosystem. [Current position: Assistant Professor, Baylor College of Medicine]
- Dr. Edith Bai (PhD, 2007, Dr. Boutton) Spatial patterns in the natural abundance of 13C and 15N in a subtropical savanna parkland: Implications for ecosystem dynamics. [Current position: Professor, Institute of Applied Ecology Chinese Academy of Sciences]
- Dr. Feng. Lui (PhD, 2007, Dr. Boutton) Spatial patterns of soil carbon and nitrogen storage in a subtropical savanna parkland.
- Dr. Wylie N. Harris (PhD, 2005, Dr. Boutton) Management impacts on feedbacks in carbon and nitrogen cycles of Great Plains grasslands.
- Dr. Julia D. Liao (PhD, 2004, Dr. Boutton) Woodland development and soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics and storage in a subtropical savanna ecosystem.
- Dr. J. Andrew Hubbard (PhD, 2003, Dr. Boutton) Fire-grazing interactions in a mixed-grass prairie.
- Harrison Raub (Dr. West)
- Ane Fortes (Dr. West)
- Toby Santamaria (Dr. West)
- Yang Zang (MSc, 2016, Drs. Vogel and West) Pinemap – litter decomposition associated with soil C cycling
- Elizabeth Wilson (MSc, 2014, Drs. Vogel and West) The effects of drought stress on mesophyll conductance to CO2 in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) leaves.
- April Mattox (MSc, 2013, Dr. West) Effects of woody vegetation removal on soil water dynamics in a South Texas shrubland.
- Fan Li (MSc, 2012, Dr. West) Effects of Arundo donax L on the Hydrology of a Rio Grande Riparian Zone.
- Dr. Kui Li (MSc, 2011, Dr. West) Ecohydrological controls and effects of rhizome integration on the performance of Arundo donax in a Rio Grande riparian zone.
- Kelley A. Hays (MSc, 1999, Dr. Boutton) Summer fire impacts and isotopic assessment of vegetation dynamics in Texas coastal Quercus virginiana communities.
- Dr. Rebecca L. McCulley (MSc, 1998, Dr. Boutton) Soil respiration and microbial biomass in a savanna parkland landscape: Spatio-temporal variation and environmental controls.
- Michelle M. Finlayson (MSc, 1995, Dr. Boutton) non-thesis option
- Dr. Samuel B. Marshall (MSc, 1995, Dr. Boutton) Biogeochemical consequences of livestock grazing in a juniper-oak savanna.
- Schuster J. Kent (MSc, 1994, Dr. Boutton) non-thesis option
- Dr. Stephen E. Watts (MSc, 1993, Dr. Boutton) Rooting patterns of co-occurring woody plants on contrasting soils in a subtropical savanna.
- Dr. Carolyn K. Ivans (Yoder) (MSc, 1993, Dr. Boutton) Soil water utilization by herbaceous species of the southern Great Plains: Evidence from isotopically labeled water.
- Dr. Christine G. Elsik (MSc, 1992, Dr. Boutton) Growth, physiology, and δ13C of loblolly and shortleaf pine as affected by ozone and soil water deficit.
- Jenny King (Forensic Summer Internship, 2013, Dr. West): Bat hair stable isotopes, forensic internship.
- Lori L. Herrmann (BS Honors, 1995, Dr. Boutton): The effects of increased woody plant abundance on the carbon and nitrogen cycles of a subtropical savanna ecosystem.
Former Laboratory Directors:
- Dr. Thomas Boutton: [_______ -2023] Current Position: Retired
- Dr. Jason Vogel [2010-2016] Current position: Assistant Professor at University of Florida
Former Researchers:
- Dr. Ian MacLachlan, Postdoctoral researcher, 2020-2021
- Dr. CheJen (Jerry) Hsiao, Postdoctoral researcher, 2019-2021
- Dr. Ayumi Hyodo, Research Assistant Professor/Lab manager, 2012-2020
- Dr. Saadat Ullah Malghani, Postdoctoral researcher, 2015-2016. [Present position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Yonsei University]
- Dr. Million Hailemichael, Postdoctoral researcher, 2002-2004. [Present position: Research Scientist, Idaho State University]
- Dr. Xiaoyan Dai, Postdoctoral researcher, 2002-2007. [Present position: Railroad Commission of Texas]
- Dr. Andrew J. Midwood, Postdoctoral researcher, 1990-1992. [Present position: James Hutton Institute]
- Dr. Stephen F. Zitzer, Postdoctoral researcher, 1990-1992.
- Dr. Isabel Casar, Postdoctoral researcher, 1991-1992.
Former Visiting Scientists:
- Dr. Fernando Freire [Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Brazil]
- Amani Mahindawansha [Justus Liebig University Giessen, Advisor: Lutz Breuer]
- Iris van der Veen [Potsdam University, Advisor: Dirk Sachse]
- Cristina Antunes [University of Campinas, Advisor: Cristina Máguas]
- Monica Warner [Mississippi State University, Advisor: Nicholas Hermann]
- Kennedy N. de Jesus [Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Advisor: Everardo V.S.B. Sampaio]
- Dr. Zhiwei Ge, 2013. [Lecturer of Department of Ecology & Environment Science, Nanjing Forestry University, China]
- Dr. Guobing Wang, 2013. Priority Academic Biological Science Program Fellow [Associate professor, Nanjing Forestry University, China]
- Dr. Peter. Millard, 2006. OECD Visiting Research Fellow: Autotrophic vs. heterotrophic contributions to soil respiration in savanna ecosystems. [Science Leader, Soil-Plant-Microbial Interactions, Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, Aberdeen, Scotland]
- Dr. Evgeny Morgun, 2004. Senior Fulbright Fellow: Mechanisms of soil carbon storage and dynamics in grassland ecosystems. [Present position: Professor, Soil Science Department, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia]
Former Research Associates:
- Matt Smith (Research Assistant, August 2014 – May 2016) Current position: PhD student at Florida International University
- Brabon Cawthon (Research Associate, Sep 2013 – May 2014) Current position: Weaver Boos Consultants
- Ryan Mushinski (Research Associate, Jan-Aug 2013)
- Darrin Moore (Research Associate, 2005-2012) Current position: Chemist in Pesticide Residue Laboratory, Texas Department of Agriculture
- Kirk Jessup (Research Associate, 2001-2005) Current position: Senior Research Associate, Texas A&M AgriLife Research in Amarillo
Former Undergraduate Laboratory Assistants:
- Monisha Yerram – (Feb. 2023 – Aug. 2023) Biochemistry major
- Nitish Ajmera – (Nov. 2022 – Feb. 2023) Computer Engineering major
- Vanessa Martinez – (May 2022 – May 2023) Biochemistry major
- Jaelan Linville – (May 2022 – Dec. 2022) Wildlife and Fishery Sciences Major
- Marcos Aleman – (Jan. 2022- Jun. 2022) Biochemistry major
- Danielle Sherry – looks like FY 2021
- Reshmi Joseph (Oct. 2018 – Dec. 2020) Environmental Geosciences major
- Meagan Harrington (May 2018 – May 2020) Biomedical Sciences major
- Madison Taylor (Apr. 2019 – Mar 2020) Ecosystem Science and Management major
- Kelly Xavier (Feb 2017 – Dec 2019) Biochemistry major
- Blair Fose (May 2018 – June 2018) Chemistry major
- Alvin Teh (May 2016 – Apr 2018) Chemical Engineering major
- Matthew Pfeifer (Feb 2017 – Aug 2018) Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communications major, MSc
- Kameron Fennessey (May 2017 – May 2018) Water Management major, MSc
- Anthony Foelker [Work study] (Jun 2017 – Aug 2017) Nuclear Engineering major
- Ali Jalal (May 2016 – Nov. 2016) Biology major
- Melissa Gerhart (May 2016 – Dec. 2016) Biomedical Sciences major
- Kyler Tormey (May 2015- May 2016) Chemistry major
- Alex Schieszer (Apr 2015- Apr 2016) Biomedical Science major
- Martina Kesumah (Apr. 2015 – Dec. 2016) Applied Mathematics major
- Mounita Rob (Apr. 2014 – May 2015) Bioenvironmental Science major
- Curtis Smith (Apr. 2014 – July 2014) B.Sc. in Geoscience
- Darcy Moreland (Sep 2013-May 2014) Natural Resource Development major, MSc
- Emily Boon (Sep 2013-May 2014) International Studies major
- Stephanie Gongora [work study] (May-Dec 2013) Anthropology major
- Diana Lainez [work study] (May 2013-Aug 2013 and Apr 2014) Chemical Engineering major
- Emery Wolf (Jan 2013-Sep 2014) Renewable Natural Resources major
- Maddie Wigley (2013) Ecosystem Science and Management major
- Colleen Macdaniel [work study] (Jan-May, Sep-Dec 2013) Pre-medical major
- Earl Rangel [work study] (Jan-May, Sep-Dec 2013) Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences major
- Taha Habib [work study] (Jan-May 2013) Engineering major
- Berry Isensee (Oct 2012- Feb 2013) Ecosystem Science and Management major
- Kathy Brown [work study] (Sep-Dec 2012) Nutrition and Food Science major
- Sara Malik [work study] (Aug 2012-May 2013) Psychology major
- Skyler Helmich [work study] (May-Oct 2012) Engineering major
- Brandon Cawthon (May 2012-May 2013) Ecosystem Science and Management major
- Candace Green (Jan 2012- May 2013) Ecosystem Science and Management major
- Evan Dulin (2010-May 2012) Ecosystem Science and Management major