Costech Elemental Analyzer (EA)
[d15N, d13C, %N, and %C of solid samples]

Thermo TCEA (High Temperature Concversion Elemental Analyzer) and and PAL System
[d2H and d18O of liquid samples]

Thermo ConFlo IV Universal Interface

Thermo PreCon
Automated Trace Gas Pre-Concentrator
[d15N, d18O, and Site Preference of N2O gas samples]

Thermo GasBench II and GC PAL System
[CO2, N2O gas samples]

DELTA V Advantage Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer with Universal Triple Collector and HD Collector
(coupled with EA, TCEA, Conflo, GasBench, and Precon)

Thermo GC IsoLink II (CH) and Trace 1310 with PTV and split/splitless injector modules, ConFlo IV, Rail TriPlus RSH autosampler, and automated CO2 trap
[d13C, d2H, d15N, d18O of compound specific analysis]

ISQ Single Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer
(coupled to GC IsoLink II)

Thermo Scientific 253 Plus 10kVA Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (with universal CNOS collector configuration)
(coupled to GC IsoLink II)

Flash IRMS elemental analyzer EA Isolink CNSOH
[d34S, d15N, d13C of solid samples]
[d2H and d18O of solid samples]

DELTA V Advantage Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer with Universal Triple Collector and HD Collector
(copuled to EA IsoLink and ConFlo IV)

Picarro G1101-i Analyzer for Isotopic CO2
[d13C of CO2 gas samples]

LI6400 Potable Photosynthesis System and 6400-07 Needle Chamber
(coupled with Picarro G1101-i Analyzer)

Water extraction line for d2D and d18O analysis
[soil, stem, leaf, root]

Fisher Scientific IsoTemp Vacuum Oven 218A
Microbalances and macrobalances

Tuttnauer 3870A Autoclave

Retesch Oscillating Mixer Mill MM400

Freezer Mill 6770

Shimatzu Total Organic Carbon Analyzer V-CSH And Total Nitrogen Measuring Unit TNM1

Seal AQ2+ Automated Discrete Analyzer
(NO3, NO2, NH3 etc)

Thermo Scientific Spectronic 20D+ Spectrophotometer

Purelab Ultra
(Type 1 Water)

Various ovens and muffle furnaces